Opening soon: Starting Grants 2024

This call should promote mobility and support career development for junior researchers. In total, around SEK 100 million is reserved for the period 2025–2027. The starting grant is announced annually and in 2024 the call opens on 23 January.
The call is open for applications within Forte’s areas health, working life and welfare and is aimed at researchers in the beginning of their career. It should promote establishment and self-sufficiency within research.
About the grant
Junior researchers can apply for a starting grant to conduct their own research project, lasting up to three years. In contrast to the postdoc grant, which had a fixed amount and was intended for a full-time position, the starting grant is flexible both in terms of budget and the level of dedicated time. You can apply for a maximum SEK 3,75 million for three-year projects and SEK 2,5 million for two-year projects, and both your salary and your dedicated time for the project must be at least 50 percent of full time. Please note that the grant limit includes indirect costs (OH).
Good to know
The flexible grant type allows you to combine your grant with participation in other projects, teaching, or other work. However, the funding from Forte may only be used for costs regarding project described in the application.
For this grant, you apply alone and cannot invite participating researchers. However, a portion of the budget may be used to finance salary costs for other personnel, such as PhD students or statisticians.
The project can be conducted at a Swedish organisation or higher education institute, or at an organisation in another country. Please note, however, that you must be employed to an approved administrating organisation in Sweden.
When staying abroad, Forte will grant additional cost supplement for accompanying partners, as well as for children under the age of 19 for whom you have an obligation to provide. If your application is granted funding and you qualify for the additional cost supplement it is calculated according to principles set up by the Swedish Agency for Government Employers and it is thereby attributed to the cost situation in the specific country. Read more about the Swedish Agency for Government Employers guidelines about additional cost supplement » Please note that Forte does not pay so called Accompanying spouse allowance.
You may apply for a starting grant up to three years after receiving your doctoral degree, based on the closing date of the call for proposals. In some cases, it is possible to apply for an exemption from this requirement. Grounds for exemption is, for example, parental leave or sick leave. Read more about deductible time and grounds for exemption on the page Who can apply for a grant?
Conditions for applying
In order to apply for a starting grant, you must be affiliated with an approved administrating organisation. If you are a visiting researcher, it is therefore important that you establish necessary contacts in due time to ensure that the administrating organisation can receive you and your project. The same applies if you plan to carry out the project outside of Sweden. The Swedish administrating organisation must be prepared to administer the project funds. When applying, you are required to submit certificates from and information about your intended host institution. Read more in Forte’s general terms and conditions »
Time plan
The call for starting grants opens 23 January 2024 and will close 21 March. Funding decisions are made in October 2024. The project period starts on 1 January 2025.
More information about this call will be available early 2024.
More information about this call will be available early 2024.